Raiseexception introduction
Hi, welcome to RaiseException, a new geeky space to share some programming content with you.
This website is free software, so you can see, fork and clone the code in my github repository. It still under development, feedback and comments are welcome!
Grow in programming
What is going to be the blog content about?
I'm going to write about programming, software engineering, testing, learnings, etc. Also, I'm going to share projects' progress I'm working on in my leisure time:
- Nyoibo. It's a tool to avoid boilerplate coding getters and setters in python. That is the main use, but more interesting features are going to be released. Wait for them!
- Kinton. It's an asynchronous ORM for python in a very early development stage. Just a hobby for me, I always wanted to know how ORMs work and I'm finding it out. Don't expect too much XD.
This website is using both tools, by the way. :-)
When sharing this content with you, my programming and communicative skills are being strength, and you could learn from these experiences at the same time.
Although Spanish is my native language, English is very important for developers and I want to improve my writing skill. I apologize in advance for my mistakes!
Keep in touch
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All blog content is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Thank you and "see you" soon.